This project was a response to the brief set by MUBI as part of the 2017 D&AD New Blood Awards. The brief for this campaign called for a response to the frustration and boredom felt by many as a result of the oversaturation and lack of high quality, prestigious content on Netflix and other streaming platforms.

The campaign focuses on this emotion-driven relationship we tend to have with such platforms and the content we consume, in order to pose MUBI’s own streaming service as a solution to these problems, with the core focus of encouraging users to ‘Discover Cinema’ on the platform.

Digital ad campaign


The central theme of each advertisement revolves around a vintage television, prominently featuring the core emotions targeted by the campaign. This approach juxtaposes traditional streaming platforms with the campaign's targeted emotional essence, subtly conveying the notion of their obsolescence. In contrast, MUBI emerges as a breath of fresh air, portraying itself as a refreshing and original choice.