This project was a response to the brief set by Purdey’s as part of the 2014 D&AD New Blood Awards. The brief called for a refresh of Purdey’s product branding, broadening the brand’s presence whilst still engaging with its core and loyal consumer base

My initial approach was to create something vibrant and engaging that would stand out amongst the abundance of health and wellness drink brands currently available, remaining visible whilst retaining Purdeys’ core appeal as a product that promotes health benefits and overall healthy living.

Product packaging redesign


A key aim of the new packaging was to highlight the three core values associated with Purdeys’ three flavours; ‘Rejuvenate’, ‘Replenish’ and ‘Refocus’. This was achieved with. a bold yet stylish cursive font introduced to the brand as a secondary typeface, in additional to three vibrant and distinctive colours that built on the existing brand.